Stop marketing what you sell and start marketing what your customer is actually buying.

Learn to market from your brand’s perspective to achieve Continuous Product Market Fit

Brand Therapy uses applied psychology and emerging technologies to create a brand you can actually communicate with. When your brand can learn from your company and your consumer, it can teach you what the other side is thinking while reminding both exactly what you stand for to keep brand, company, and consumer aligned.

Man in a suit sitting with "Brand Therapist" sign and collage of logos and images in the background.


The Brand Therapist GPT

Click the link to go directly to the fully automated version of a brand therapist, designed to learn all about your brand before transforming INTO your brand. Once your brand voice is activated, you can work with it to pursue product market fit 24/7 365.

Special Offer:

Use the GPT and bring your insights to a special, half-off, live brand therapy session to take those automated insights to the next level.

Who could use Brand Therapy?

Everyone! But you’re not everyone, you’re someone with a very specific business and a very specific need. So let’s talk about brand therapy from your perspective. Chose your type of business from the menu on the right.

  • Startups of 1, influencers and creators, performers, coaches and consultants… if you’re struggling to define and make your brand stand out, click here.

  • Everyone has a lot of responsibility, Brand Therapy can make your brand capable of taking on its share. Click here to find out how.

  • Whether you’ve lost product market fit or never had it in the first place, Brand Therapy can teach your brand to not only speak for itself, but tell you how to get that fit. Click here to get it.

  • Whether your a beast of a business, a legacy nonprofit, or a governing body, Brand work is actually the best bang for the buck work you can do, and you’re brand’s going to tell you just how to do it. Click here to find out more.

Brand Therapy Services

  • Brand Therapy works with solopreneurs, startups, nonprofits, small businesses and enterprises. Like therapy, we have thoughtful, one-on-one explorations that allow your brand’s consciousness to emerge. We then put it to work as the embodiment of your purpose, strategically aligning internal stakeholders and authentically relating to external audiences.

  • Imagine if brand marks came to life to represent your brand, and speak and act on its behalf. Metamarking is a patented platform created to allow instant authentication of physical and virtual products while building brand personality and guidelines immutably into them.

  • Would you like to become a Brand Therapist? Brand Therapy isn’t just a service, it’s a platform to seize the relational media era of marketing.

It’s not about what you’re selling, it’s about what your customer is actually buying.

What is Brand Therapy? Why should brands speak for themeslves?

In allowing brand consciousness to emerge through the tools of psychology and innovation, your brand can be the live communicator between company and consumer to achieve continuous product-market fit.

Why do I need Brand Therapy? What is the relational era of marketing?

The era of broadcast media allowed one brand to speak to everyone who was sitting through a commercial break, caught in traffic, or in between articles. Consumer research was brand awareness and word of mouth. We had little say in what brands should be, but all brands needed to be was the one thing they claimed.

The era of social media created two culturally changing consequences: hyper-targeting that allowed brands to bend their personalities to fit specific consumers and the comment section that allowed every consumer a soap box for their opinion. This created a cycle of increasing consumer demands and fractured brand personalities answering those demands.

We are now entering the relational media era, where AI chatbots allow brands to have 1 to 1 live conversations with consumers. Generative AI provides co-creation tools to blur the lines of what brands offer and what consumers can do with them. This requires brands to learn how to be secure in their identity to offer authentic relationships with their consumers, while at the same learning how to trust consumers to use that relationship thoughtfully as more creative control leaves the brand’s hands.

A vintage scene of a family in a living room watching a black-and-white television. A woman stands holding a tray, while a man and two children sit watching the TV. The room features mid-century modern furniture and decor.
Illustration of a smiling robot with antennae and a speech bubble saying, "Hi, how can I help you Today?" on a blue background, with "Ai" in a red circle.

Tech that allows a brand to speak for itself requires a brands to know itself.

Tech that allows a brand to speak to everyone all the time must be able to stand by its offer every time.

Young consumers

Tech that allows a brand to bend to any consumer’s preference must be flexible enough to bend to every consumer’s preference.

Brand Therapy Ventures